Career and Technical Education (CTE) teaches the college and career skills students need to be successful after high school.  In addition to core courses required for graduation, students' electives allow them to explore different career fields and gain skills that can help them be successful in the workplace and in college.  Whether students intend to go to college, are working in their career field now, or plan to enlist or start their career right out of high school, the occupational programs offered can combine passion and interests with the skills needed to compete for jobs in high-demand fields. 
Stride Career Readiness Information and Resources
FCCLA website: https://wavafccla.wixsite.com/fccla/about-6
WAVA’s Career Technical Education program includes courses taught by highly qualified professionals with industry experience. A minimum of 1.0 credits is required for graduation. A sequence of CTE courses can lead to completion of a Graduation Pathway. CTE students also have opportunities to participate in project-based learning, earn dual college credit and industry recognized technical certifications as well as seek student leadership roles in National Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO). 
Students in grades 9-11 are enrolled in CTE courses to complete WA OSPI Graduation Requirements.  
Students in grades 7 and 8 are automatically enrolled in the following introductory CTE courses*: 
7th Grade: CTE Explorations 
8th Grade: Computer Literacy and Achieving your Career and College Goals 
*7th and 8th grade students can opt-out by choice. (Form) 
If you’d like information about opting out, please contact Terry Ackerman, tackerman@K12.com
Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs) extend teaching and learning through innovative programs, business and community partnerships and leaderships experiences. CTSOs are a powerful avenue for helping our nation address key challenges such as workforce development, student achievement, economic vitality and global competitiveness. By joining, students learn more about careers, post-high school education, and training opportunities. They develop leadership skills that will prepare them for work and can test their skills in local, state, and national competitions.
CTSO Clubs and CTE: tackerman@wava.org, tackerman@K12.com